Beetroot and Feta Mini Sliders

My relationship with food is a tempestuous one. There are times when I love it and get all engrossed in flavours and different recipes and then there are days where I get frustrated and start counting calories. Like most people, the things I enjoy aren’t always the best for me and I’m struggling with the ‘ everything in moderation’  bit. My current state of affairs is that I’m desperately trying to eat clean. It isn’t always possible specially when I’m travelling but when I’m at home it is a massive effort to cut out the junk and focus of good clean food.

I try to bake most things and don’t actually fry at all except if I’m in an indulgent mood and want to try a specific recipe. My quest for trying to eat clean has me trying to include a lot more vegetables in my diet. Not the fancy shmancy cool kids like broccoli or zucchini but things like Bhindi ( okra ) Spinach ( which I absolute do not like ) and other stuff that’s considered extremely vanilla. People are shocked when they learn I don’t enjoy spinach at all but are absolutely gutted when they learn that my dislike for beetroot is just as strong. Beetroot is great for all sorts of things and is frequently found on menus in so called trendy restaurants but I just can’t seem to get my head around it. So after much research I finally found a recipe that I thought I might enjoy. While the use of feta or any cheese isn’t ideal and I don’t generally cook with cheese ( I don’t even add it to my pasta ) this is a match made in food heaven and they make a delicious veggie alternative to a meaty patty. Most folks eat this in between a burger bun with lettuce and onion but I prefer to eat them individually as little tikkis or fritters. Cheese isn’t ideal but 50 grams o feta is about 132 calories so this isn’t a very heavy dish over all.


Hope you enjoy these as much as I do 🙂 Happy Cooking !


3 medium sized beetroots

50 grams of feta

2  spring onions

50 grams of walnuts ( crushed to tiny crumbs )

salt ( if you need it, taste and adjust )


Oil ( 1 tablespoon to cook the onions and beetroots in )


1. Cut the beetroot into small pieces or to make it easier you can grate the beetroot. Chop the spring onions and sauté them in a pan.


2. Add the grated beetroot and cook it down for at least 15 – 20 mins till they soften and start to caramelise. Keep stirring and mixing so they mix with the spring onions well.


3. Let the mixture cool and blitz it in a blender till it forms and almost crumb like texture. Add the feta and walnuts to it and mix well with your hands.




4. Grease your baking tray or line it with parchment paper. Form smaller sized patties or if you like a bigger burger size and lay it on the tray. Bake in a pre heated oven for 10 – 12 mins at 180 degrees to slightly crisp up.



5. At this point you can serve them as is ( the beetroot is cooked ) and place it in a burger or you could bake them like I have.


6. Serve hot with a cool mint yogurt dip on the side or inside a burger bun. I like mine minus the bread.




This is an incredibly soft and crumbly patty so even once it comes out of the oven don’t expect them to be firm. They break easily.

I’ve added salt and pepper in the ingredients but to be honest I don’t season this with either. The feta is salty enough and I don’t want the excess salt so I skip it. Beetroots sweeten when they cook and I didn’t feel the need to season it at all but you can add salt and pepper to taste while cooking  the beetroots.

For more updates on my food and travel adventures, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat : thetinytaster

1 Comment

  1. Now this is something new
    Dared by only a few
    Baked beetroot
    Spiced to suit
    Hat-doffing to Triple T is due!

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